Custom Amish Cabinets & Railing w/ Live Edge Countertops
This was a project that we designed and built for a client that knew they needed a new kitchen but did not know what they wanted. The house sat just outside the city and was surrounded by beautiful woods which you can see out the kitchen window. We took inspiration from this and answered natures call with custom Amish built two-toned slab front cabinets, 2 live edge countertops on just the smaller cabinet area (because subtly is sexy), and a fully custom tree branch inspired metal railing. Each of these 3 items was designed and purchased by local merchants. We topped it off with a quartzite countertop and matching solid backsplash. Some additional things to note - we made the decision to widen the main window that looked into the woods as this was the view that everyone loved. In doing this we lost some cabinet space (replaced with 2 more live edge shelves) and we compensated by making the decision to brick up and close the other window in the kitchen and put cabinets over it. We also were originally going to tile the floor but after talking with the home owners they decided to go with a genuine hard wood floor which came out beautiful.